Friday, June 30, 2006

I say such stupid things

This morning I had to make a phone call to a local business, and the woman who answered the phone, fumbled over the words she must say dozens of times a day. She fumbled and stuttered the name of the company literally about five times. We had a laugh, but I could tell she was embarassed.

There aren't long stretches of time between the situations where I literally hit myself on the forhead, or shake my head in utter amazement at the stupid things that come out of my mouth. I try to be funny, and I end up sounding like I'm criticizing. I try to be smart, and I sound like a moron. :) It seems to happen so often, and I always feel annoyed with myself for doing it, again.

I taught a session this morning to the short-termers who are in an orientation here this week. It was about Truth & Lies: the lies we struggle with, and the truth about who we are in Christ. It made me think about this whole "saying stupid things" issue.

When I beat myself up about saying something stupid, it's because I'm mad at myself for not being perfect. When I'm mad at myself for not being perfect, it's because I'm believing the lie that I am supposed to be perfect. I'm believing that if I am not perfect, others will reject me. Underlying that is the belief that what others think of me defines who I am as a person.

So, what is the truth? Well, the truth is, I do say stupid things more often than I'd like to. Also true, is the fact that I am far from perfect. BUT I don't need to be perfect, and I don't even need to be liked by everyone (though it would be nice :) ). I am loved and accepted by God, just the way I am. And in the end, the people through whom God loves me the most obviously, are not the ones who have seen me just at my most Spirit-filled and lead moments. They are the ones who have seen the most ridiculous sides of me, and even borne the brunt of my annoyingness, crabbiness, and ... um, forceful personality.


Sarah Gingrich said... have no idea who I am, but I was browsing through the blogs and we're practically neighbors (on the blog roll that is). Then I saw you were a Christian, as I am, and you live in Canada, as I once did, in Caronport, SK (for Bible College). And I like decorating cakes too...well, I've rambled on enough, just wanted to compliment you on your cakes and lively writing style. May God bless you as you continue to seek Him and love Him.
In Christ,
Sarah Lenora Gingrich
Puerto Montt, Chile

solnechko said...

Jenn, you sound a bit like my own mind. Are you sanguine? :) Your description of dealing with worries of acceptance/rejection and mulling over stupid things said made me think you might be like me :)

I've been told to pray for Wisdom as a solution to my temperament. And the other day, I began meditating on Ecclesiastes 3. As I began reading it over and over, (and I still am reading it over and over) I realized that knowing the right times IS wisdom. If you're up for it, feel free to join me in meditating on that passage! Let me know if you find anything cool!