Wednesday, November 23, 2005

the world doesn't need more of me

The following is a quote that I copied from Donnie's (my boss') hand-written notes. I hope I got it right. It is by Eugene Peterson, I am not sure when and where he wrote it, but it struck me deeply enough that I wanted to share it with you:

"We do not progress in the Christian life by becoming more competent, more knowledgeable, more virtuous, or more energetic.
We do not advance in the Christian life by acquiring expertise...
I want to simplify your lives.
When others are telling you to read more, I want to tell you to read less;
when others are telling you to do more, I want to tell you to do less.
The world does not need more of you; it needs more of God.
Your friends don't need more of you; they need more of God.
And you don't need more of you; you need more of God."

**Thanks to James for getting the reference: the above quote is from Eugene Peterson's book, Subversive Spirituality.**


Anonymous said...

that's awesome - thanks for sharing! in all the madness of us doing and being and striving, it's not really us that anything or anybody needs more of. makes me wonder about all those times when I was there to "save the day" ... maybe I was more just "getting in the way" ... that does rhyme, but thats not the point :)

Jennifer said...

James- I know...

I think my life in ministry has been full of a lot of me. Works of flesh.

I want people to see Jesus when they see me. That will only happen as He does it through me... and that will happen as I cooperate with His work in my life.

Humbling eh?