Friday, April 13, 2007

Reading about blogging (as opposed to actually doing it)... things have to change

I just finished a book on blogging (The Corporate Blogging Book). It was interesting, and a worthwhile read for some of the things we are thinking of doing for work. We're thinking of launching a blog for our organization.

It's funny though because I've been reading about blogging, but not actally blogging. Shameful. :)

It makes realize though that it is time for an overhaul of this blog. After doing this for what is approaching 2 years, I'm in a bit of a rut, as you can see from the scarcity of my posts this winter. So I am going to experiment with some things, changing the look of things... we'll see how it goes.

A lot on my mind

I have a lot on my mind this week. It seems I always do. Those times that I constantly look forward to- when everything will slow down, and things will be simpler- just never seem to happen. I'm in the middle of real life at every moment, so what do I do with that? The challenge is to live a life at rest, and at peace in God, in the midst of all the busy-ness, craziness, and emotional upheavals that life throws at us.

I'm often unsuccessful. Worries and fears sometimes are overwhelming. Sometimes it seems that anxiety is a constant companion. But I'm learning to trust in uncertainty, and there are days, like today, where my mind is full of as many questions as ever, but there is peace and rest in my heart.